By: Erin Mclean May 5,2023
Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental Health Awareness Month began in 1949 after years of work from the Mental Health America Organization that was created because of a book written by Clifford Beers that sparked a mental health reform movement in 1908. In the years leading up to the creation of Mental Health Awareness Month the organization created 100 child guidance clinics, mental ‘hygiene’ program that was used by the Army and Navy in the First World War, held the First International Congress on Mental Hygiene, and due to advocacy efforts helped to pass the “National Mental Health Act” in 1947.
Mental Health Awareness Month was first launched in 1949 and was originally only Mental Health Week. The goal of this was “ educate Americans about mental illness and mental health” today it has turned into a way for individuals to raise awareness around trauma, prevention, treatment and recovery of mental illness. Mental Health Awareness Month gives individuals the opportunity to promote mental health and the services that surround mental health in their area to the public.
Events for Mental Health Awareness Month in the Treasure Valley
2023 Be Kind to Your Mind 1M, 5K Virtual Race - May 5th- May 31st
Idaho HOPE week - May 8th-12th
Mental Health Month Art Exhibition- May 13th 11am-1pm MST Online
Caring for Spirit,Mind and Body: A Retreat for Mental Health Professionals - May 20th
NAMI WAlks Your Way: A United Day of Hope with the destination as always being Mental Health for All. - May 20th 12-4pm